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Displaying all films in category: New Techniques

A Pupil on Strings: A Novel Method for Intraoperative Mechanical Pupil Dilation (F96)
Ab Externo Microfiltration Track Through Clear Cornea Using a Fugo Blade (F110)
Amniotic Membrane Transplantation Using Fibrin Glue for Pinguecula and Pterygium (F115)
Arslan's Covered Cornea Technique (F80)
Cataract Surgery 2007: The Immobile Movement (F112)
Changing Your Practice Pattern by Incorporating Fugo Blade Plasma Ablation Into Your Surgical Repertoire (F89)
CO2 Laser Surgery for Blepharoptosis Using Müller's Muscle-Tuck Method (F100)
Corneal Surgery: The Femto Is My Friend (F105)
Corneoplastique: Art of Vision Surgery (F91)
Dual AcrySof ReSTOR Plus Hema-Domed Removable Implant for Managing Babies: A New Technique (F99)
Dual-Irrigation Micro Coaxial Phacoemulsification (F116)
Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Penetrating Keratoplasty: Creating a New Field for Corneal Surgery (F104)
Finger-Crafted Technique (F83)
Human Amniotic Membrane Transplantation in Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (F93)
Intraoperative Aids for Improving the Quality of Capsulorhexis (F82)
Jackhammer Effect of the Phaco Tip: Have We Been Using It Appropriately During Quadrant Removal? (F81)
Keratoplasty: The Bond Strengthened (F109)
King of Rings (F101)
Management of Lens--Iris Diaphragm Retropulsion Syndrome Using an Iris-Hook Retractor (F102)
Microincision Prelex: When Microincision Meets Microincision Multifocal Diffractive IOL (F107)
Microincision Trabeculectomy or Sclerostomy (F90)
Normal-Tension Cataract Surgery (F106)
Obtaining Good Exposure for Cataract Surgery Using Topical Anesthesia: Double-Clip Technique (F79)
Perilimbal Infusion: A Safe Cataract Anesthetic (F111)
Pterygium Pearls (F108)
Scleral Fixation of a Dislocated IOL by Externalizing the Haptics Through the Corneal Side Ports Without IOL Extraction (F92)
Simultaneous 2.0 Incision Cataract Surgery and 25-Gauge Needle Vitreous Surgery: Method and Results (F103)
Surgical Management of 2 Serious Problems Threatening the Integrity of the Eye: Scleral Ischemia and Melt (F84)
Sutureless Amniotic Membrane Transplantation for Painful Bullous and Band Keratopathy (F94)
Transilluminated Flap-Lifting Technique for LASIK Enhancement (F95)
Ultrachopper: New Era in Cataract Surgery (F86)
Use of Torsional Ultrasound in Management of Dropped Nuclear Fragments and Dislocated Crystalline Lenses (F88)