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Displaying all films in category: Cataract Complications
F1: What Lies Beneath?
Agarwal, Athiya |
F2: Pupilloplasty Pearls and Techniques
Ahmed, Ike |
F3: Clear Lens Phacoemulsification in Nanophthalmic Eyes
Carvalho Jr, Durval |
F4: No More Panic: Sutureless Vitrectomy Combined with Triamcinolone Stain to Manage Posterior Capsule Rupture During Phacoemulsification
Chang, Cheng-Jong |
F5: My Worst-Case Cataract Scenario
Fine, I. Howard |
F6: Fixation on Capsule Fixation
Gimbel, Howard |
F7: Method of Combined Management by Phaco and Vitrectomy in Pediatric Secondary Cataract and Vitreous Opacities Due to Old Panuveitis with Excellent Visual Outcome
Patel, Nirav |
F8: Descemet's Diaries
Prakash, Dimple |
F9: Dirty Dozen
Rajan, Mohan |
F10: A Tale of 2 Irides: Contrasting Treatment of 2 Patients with Iatrogenic Iridodialysis
Rosenthal, Kenneth |
F11: Manual Small-Incision Cataract Surgery in Silicone-Oil-Filled Eyes: Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs
Saikumar, Seshadri |
F12: Capsular Peeling in Long-Standing Anterior Capsule Contraction Syndrome After Cataract Surgery with Intraoperative Floppy-Iris Syndrome
Tahzib, Nayyirih |
F13: Preventing Corneal Endothelial Damage and Viscocircular Pattern in Bimanual Phaco
Tanaka, Takao |
F97: Capsular Tension Ring Complications and Fish-Tail Technique for Stress-Free Insertion
Little, Brian |
F98: Viscodissection: New and Simple Technique to Reduce the Incidence of Posterior Capsule Tear During Phacoemulsification
Mackool Sr, Richard |