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Displaying all films in category: Special Interest
F124: Mission Impossible II: Teaching Cataract Surgery
Henderson, Bonnie |
F156: What Is the State of Microbial Contamination of the Ocular Surface During Cataract Surgery?
Bissen-Miyajima, Hiroko |
F157: Black Ball Hyphema: A Better Evacuation
Borthakur, Arundhati |
F158: Envisioning Beauty
Brasse, Karl |
F159: Virtual Meeting: A New Approach for Continuing Medical Education--Now It's Possible
Casanova, Fabio |
F160: Corneal Hysteresis: A New Tool to Understand How We Change Corneal Biomechanics with Photorefractive Surgery
De Obaldía-Faruggia, Ilka |
F161: Intracorneal Rings: Avoiding and Solving Complications
Galperin, Gustavo |
F162: Surgical Repair of Cyclodialysis Cleft
Greenbaum, Shareen |
F163: Clear Corneal Vitrectomy Combined with Phacoemulsification and Foldable IOL Implantation
Iwase, Takeshi |
F164: Verifying Phacoemulsification to Save AC Structures
Khalifa, Khaled |
F165: Pneumatic Trabeculoplasty Update: New Procedure for the Treatment of POAG, Pigmentary Glaucoma, and Ocular Hypertension
LiVecchi, John |
F166: Manual Sutureless Small-Incision Cataract Surgery in Phacolytic Glaucoma
Matalia, Jyoti |
F167: Surprise! The Patient Is Having Nystagmus During LASIK
Paciuc, Miguel |
F168: Glaucoma Tub Implantation with Arslan's Retrograd Technique
Toker, Mustafa |
F169: Ahmed Valvular Implant Without Donor Sclera and Intracameral Triamcinolone Injection After Parasite Removal in a Patient with Uveitic Glaucoma
Varas, Jose |
F170: Usefulness of Microincision Cataract Surgery Combined with IOL Implanation and Inferiorly Performed Trabeculotomy
Yamakawa, Ryoji |